A Quicky List of College Essentials

As the summer nights draw to an end, we are once again instilled with anxiety over a fast-approaching fall. This year, I will be leaving the nest-so to speak-and venturing south for college. Below I have the beginning to some essentials for those, like me, headed back to school this fall. 

My first and foremost essential is lululemon attire. Its comfortable, cute and a necessity for me. 
before I depart, I will for sure be spending one last visit to LuluLemon in MOA

  My thing with school supplies, is that it is already boring by nature, i need products that will make me want to study. My go to brands for my learning needs are Russell & Hazel and Le Pen. All their products are simple yet durable and chic all in one.
To finish off the list for tonight, all people should have duffel bags. It seems obvious but you just need one huge bag that you can easily and efficiently stuff anything and everything into. I've found solace with my packing in Vera Bradley's duffle bags. They are well made and washable--very spacious as well.